Lesson 1, Topic 1
In Progress

Look, Lift Up Your Eyes, and See; A Spirit of Adventure Copy

Justin May 19, 2022

As the Samaritan woman at the well returns to Jesus bringing her village with her, Jesus invites his disciples into a new kind of mindset when it comes to outsiders: “Look,” Jesus says, “Lift up your eyes, and see! The fields are ripe for harvest.”

That way of imagining what could be a tense and kind of intimidating encounter leads to a spirit of adventure when it comes to following Jesus. When Jesus is leading you forward, you never know who you might meet along the way!

Video 3/4.

For more on the meaning and implication of Jesus’ three-fold command, “Look, lift up your eyes, and see,” you can check out the following two blogs by Justin Rossow. The Next Step Podcast also covers a similar way of thinking in an interview with Carl Medearis called “The Adventure of Hospitality.”