About Us

Amy and Jeff Meyer
Married in 1990, Jeff & Amy have been blessed with four beautiful daughters, five grandchildren, and 30+ years of ministry experience. As valued partners, they celebrate the opportunities they have been given to grow in their leadership and expand their mindset. They are thankful for the patience and grace the churches they have served have extended to them. These congregations have graciously given them the space to dream, explore, and facilitate learning within other organizations like PLI, Concordia Women’s Institute, Auxano, Aurora WDC, and Vanco.
A deepening awareness of the neighborhood began to emerge for Jeff & Amy in 2001 when Jeff returned from India. That trip and the first few years after were transformational for them as they began to realize that their calling was to help others experience the beauty in their own neighborhoods. Neighboring Life is the next iteration of their relentless determination to see the word neighbor move from a noun to a verb.
Jeff writes in his first book “Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute: Tools To Spark Your Dream And Ignite Your Follow-Through”
“I will never forget that first Wednesday in December at the beginning of the sabbatical. Instead of going to church for our midweek Advent worship experience, I met with some of the men from my neighborhood at a local establishment. Props to the Hop Haus in Verona, WI! I was so energized by our conversation. I had discovered that I had more in common with these brothers than I had anticipated. I came home and said to Amy, “That was one of the best Advent worship I have ever experienced!” This wasn’t a theological statement, of course. It was a relationship statement. Change is good. Making friends almost by definition brings new changes into your life.” pg. 45-46

Amy and Jeff Meyer
Amy, (an extrovert) the life of the party, has sparked many conversations and meaningful exchanges that have resulted in surprising friendships and opportunities. Jeff, (an introvert) a deep thinker and processor, has also come to appreciate the beautiful tapestry of stories that are uncovered when we take time, build awareness, pray fervently, and take action. (Sometimes, even when he didn’t really want to.)
Jeff, a pastor, author, coach, consultant, and entrepreneur is a gifted facilitator, teacher, and speaker. His greatest joy is seeing others get excited about their dream, their role in co-creating with their Creator. Amy, a leader, facilitator, coach,and author, is a gifted speaker, teacher, and joy distributor. Her greatest joy is seeing people discover the faithfulness of God (especially through journaling). They love working together! Neighboring Life is a labor of love.
In all of their efforts, they hope that every person would come to realize how deeply they are loved by God and understand that they make their neighborhoods a more beautiful place.
RANDOM THINGS AMY LOVES TALKING ABOUT: Journaling! I’ve been writing in a journal since I was 7 years old! And of course stories of our grandchildren.
RANDOM THINGS JEFF LOVES TALKING ABOUT: Besides the Packers, Brewers, Badgers or Bucks, I love to rehearse Monty Python skits and movies, or the works of Mel Blanc (Looney Tunes — Bugs Bunny).